Tuesday 28 May 2013

New month, new flat.

Sorry that I have been MIA for the past week or so. I started a new job, a new commute...basically a new daily routine, so unless everyone is dying to know what my morning bus ride looks like, I haven't had too much to blog about. That changes now!

The month of May is ending much like it started, with a move into a new apartment. Only this time, we only had to move over a couple of miles rather than an entire ocean. There was a lot less stress and alcohol consumption this time around as well. The move was not without its adventures though. Getting all of our belongings from the last month over to the new place required a Zipcar...and a driver of said Zipcar.
Not it! *finger on nose*

I always imagined our first UK driving experience to be a relaxing tour of the English countryside via back roads and one lane highways. Maybe pass a few sheep. Maybe pet a few sheep. But nooooo....our first husband and wife road excursion was on a Friday, through central London, during rush hour...in the rain. Lovely!

I have to say, Mike handled it like a champ. I think that he was pretending to be on Top Gear the entire time.

Opposite hand shifting, opposite side of the car, opposite side of the road...no biggie.

Coming through with the poker face...like a champ.

Yet again, Otis was the most stressed out individual in the car.

We made it to our permanent home in one piece and were so unbelievably excited to see all of our things that had been shipped over from Chicago. Pots and pans! Sharp knives! My shoes! Michael was most excited about my shoes, obviously. It was the first time since I have been here that I really felt comfortable and settled. There is nothing like having the things that remind you of home. 

Shout out to C and S. Lego Sears.

Ok, we like Legos...so what?

We are all settling in nicely and are feeling extremely lucky to be in such a beautiful new flat. We have a spare bedroom and bathroom so yeah....stop reading this blog post and GET OVER HERE! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely! Can't wait to hear about more adventures!
